Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sending You a Sunset by Jaye Lewis

I have always loved sunsets. I would rather watch the sun go down in the Appalachian Mountains, than just about anything else on earth. And in the Appalachian Mountains, where I live, the sunsets are spectacular.

When my day is done, and I have slain the many dragons brought on by diabetes, nothing completes the day quite like watching the sun go down from my own back door. Living in the mountains, and watching the sun set behind the distant ridges, removes the shadows in the valleys of my life, whether made of earth or made of fear. When the sun lights the sky on fire, it is almost like I can see into heaven and behold the glory of God, in all His beauty. It is then, when the evenings hush begins, that I feel His presence.

Then I begin to talk to Him. God. I talk to Him. It has been a blissful habit of a lifetime, even when my world was darkest. And many times, dark it was. Did you know that science can tell us HOW a sunset is formed? Yes. Science can go into all kinds of dithering to prove that blaze of glory is nothing, in just a few words. Well, knowing how cannot tell you why. No. Science is not why. It is always how. I believe that I know why sunsets are so glorious. God has created them for our pleasure. As I watch, and speak to Him of my love and worship, I can feel Him very near.

So, do not try to change my worship of Him, which spills from my heart and washes my soul. Why would I trade heavenly joy for earthly mundane? It would be like capturing the beauty of a star and dashing it into the mud. How foolish.

So, this day, when my feet are stinging, and my eyes grow dim from what diabetes has done to me, I thank Him. Thank you God for making me so rich. You heard the prayers of my heart, giving me a wonderful family and all that my heart can hold. God is real, and He calls the ones who deny Him fools. Why cling to what is not, and deny the best joy of your life? Why throw away all eternity, simply because of pride in knowing how and never asking the simple question, why?

So, this day, I’m sending you a sunset in my picture above. I send it with much joy. Though your feet may sting. Though your heart may flutter. Though you may need machines to clean your blood. Though it feels as though your life is finished. It is not. You are important to God, and you are important to me. I do not see all of you. I see one of you. You are my friend, just as I am yours. We are one another’s gift. A gift of God. So, I’m sending you this sunset, my gift to you.

Heavenly Father, as diabetics, our lives often seem bleak, and the battle with this disease rages within us. We fight against diabetes, and no matter how good and faithful we are, this disease often wins. Help us, Lord, to understand that the defeat of the day, need not be the defeat of our hearts. We can be brilliant reflections of your love, even if only to ourselves. Grant us the grace to seek you, in the deepest darkness. And when life seems bright, and we are blessed at every turn, let us not then forget that it is You who makes us victorious.

With love,
Jaye Lewis